Follow these hacks while applying nail paint, it will not leave for a long time , finger nail polish tips

To make the nails look beautiful, some things should be kept in mind while applying nail polish.

Most women like to look beautiful. This is the reason that while decorating her house, she takes very good care of one thing. Even if it is the nail paint applied in the nail.

Follow these hacks while applying nail paint, it will not leave for a long time , finger nail polish tips

You must also use nail polish to make the nails look beautiful. Nails look very beautiful after applying polish but after 1 day the color starts to fade away. That is why we have brought for you some such hacks, with the help of which the nail paint will stay on the nails for a long time.

I have tried these hacks on my own nails, after which the nail paint remained on for more days than before.

Put twice

While applying nail paint, keep in mind that the less nail paint you apply, the quicker it will come off. This is the reason why at least 2 coats must be applied on the nails. On the other hand, if your nail paint is of light color then you can also apply 3 coats.

Nail polish should be thick

Many times, we buy cheap nail paints to avoid spending more. While applying such nail paint, it looks fine but very quickly it gets removed from the nail. In such a situation, try to always buy thick nail paint.

Apply gel nail paint

Some people do not like to apply gel nail paint. If you are also applying nail paint of any color, then definitely apply gel nail paint on it. This will add an extra coat to your nail paint, and it will last longer.

Waterproof nail paint

Water is the main reason for removing nail paint from nails. In such a situation, try to buy waterproof nail paint. Waterproof nail polish stays on the nail longer than the Norman nail paint.

Take care while bathing

We use different types of scrubs to rub the body while taking a bath. Because of this also the nail polish gets removed quickly. You should also try not to apply scrub on the nail paint while taking a bath.

With the help of these tips, you will keep your nail paint on the nails for a long time. How did you like this article, and you will definitely tell in the comment section of this article to know about any other special like this.

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