Hand care tips before marriage, brides should take care of their hands like this

Tips for soft hand

The wedding season has started. We all have a dream to look the most special and beautiful on this day. For which we take all kinds of measures. Along with this, we take care of everything very well.

In such a situation, they often take care of their face, but do not pay attention to the skin of their hands. Due to which the skin of our hands starts looking dry. Along with this, the signs of aging soon start appearing on our hands.

In such a situation, it is very important for us that we should follow a proper skin care routine for our face as well as hands. Jewelry also looks good in beautiful and soft hands and nail art too, so today we will tell you some easy ways that you can try and make your hands soft and beautiful.

Tips for soft hand

Take care of hands like this

  1. Use olive oil
  2. Use raw milk
  3. Scrub your hand
  4. Make sure to use Vaseline
  5. Be sure to apply sunscreen

01. Use olive oil


  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • method of installation
  • First of all, put 2 tablespoons of olive oil on the gas and warm it slightly.
  • After this, clean the hands thoroughly and massage your hands with oil for some time.
  • By doing this 4-5 times in a week, you will see the effect.
  • Also read: Remove blackness of face with this homemade 'De-Tan' face pack

02. Use raw milk


  • 2 tbsp raw milk
  • way of installation
  • Wash hands and clean them thoroughly.
  • Then massage with cold raw for 10 minutes and wipe with tissue paper.
  • Then apply moisturizer.

Also read: Simple Home Remedies To Remove Instant Sun Tanning

be sure to scrub

03. Scrub your hand

Try scrubbing your hands twice a week. This removes the dead cells as well as cleans the skin. For this, make a homemade scrub from something and rub it on your hands for 10 to 15 minutes. After that wash your hands and apply cream. (homemade face mask for tanning)

04. Make sure to use Vaseline

Try to use any hand cream or Vaseline whenever you wash your hands. Washing hands frequently reduces the moisture of the hands. Due to which hands become dry. In such a situation, try that by applying Vaseline on the hands, the moisture remains, so every time you wash your hands and apply lotion. (Benefits of Vaseline)

05. Be sure to apply sunscreen

We apply sunscreen on our face before going out, but not on our hands, due to which our hands start turning black due to the rays of the sun. In such a situation, we should apply sunscreen on the face as well as on the hands.

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