how to solve dandruff problem | permanent solution for dandruff at home

Dandruff problem can be reduced by the use of ghee, learn from expert how

Desi ghee kept in the kitchen will get rid of the problem of dandruff. Try this recipe once for you too.

permanent solution for dandruff at home

dandruff treatment at home. If you wanna Learn how to cure dandruff permanently. Then this is Right place for you. Because, here I will teach you home remedies for dandruff and itchy scalp. I will give you tips how to remove dandruff quickly.

If the hair is not taken care of properly, then it starts to look ugly along with getting spoiled and many problems arise on the scalp. The most prominent of these problems is the problem of dandruff.

Dandruff's problem can be in any season and it is not easy to get rid of this problem because you will have to take care of the hair for this.

In the market, you will find a large range of shampoos and other hair products, but you can also use ghee to keep the house in the house.

How can you get rid of the hair of hair from a little ghee, let us tell you.

permanent solution for dandruff at home

Ghee measure for hair


  • 1 tablespoon ghee
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil 
  • 1 teaspoon rose water


  • Put 1 tbsp ghee, coconut oil and rose water in a bowl and mix it well.
  • After this, you apply this mixture from the roots of the hair to the length of the hair.
  • It would be best that you heat this mixture a little. After this, you apply it in the hair while gently massaging the scalp.
  • Now you keep it in the hair for 1 hour to 2 hours and then wash the hair with shampoo.

What to do after treatment?

  • Wash the hair with shampoo at least twice so that all the greasiness of the hair gets removed.
  • After this you dry the hair naturally and then apply serum in the hair.
  • You will get a lot of benefit from this treatment in the very first time itself. But you must try this home remedy once in every 15 days.

permanent solution for dandruff at home

What kind of hair is best for this treatment

Dandruff's problem is dry and oily in both types of hair, but it is best for treatment dry haired women, because by applying ghee on the Oily Section, it will be more oily and the problem of Dandruff can increase the place. Because more oil comes out of the scalp, it starts to collect dirt, which can increase the problem of Dandraf.

Benefits of applying ghee

  • There is a lot of protein. This gives full nutrition to hair.
  • The problem of hair loss decreases and the hair comes into dense.
  • The problem of two hair loss also decreases.
  • If you put a ghee in the hair, then there will also be unique glow.
  • Ghee makes hair stronger than the roots.
  • It is antifungal and antibacterial, so the chances of infection on the scalp decreases.

Note- If there is any infection on your scalp or hair are very much, then you should first consult a good dermatologist. Only after this you should adopt the measures above. 

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