Skin Care: Curd this way to your beauty routine

Skin Care: Using curd on face, many problems are reduced.

Skin Care: Curd this way to your beauty routine

Calcium, protein and vitamins are found in curd. Not only for health, you can also use curd on the skin. Removes lactic acid dead skin in curd.

Today in this article, we will tell you how you can make curd a part of your beauty routine. Also, it can reduce skin related problems. Let's know what ways of curd can be used.

1. Moisturizes like use
Skin Care: Curd this way to your beauty routine

Moisturizes the skin. Otherwise the skin gets dry. Often women buy expensive expensive moisturizers. Now you will not have to do this. You can use curd for it. The skin will be used by its daily use.

Essential material

  • 2 teaspoon curd
  • 1 teaspoon honey

What to do?

  • Enter 2 teaspoons curd in a bowl.
  • Then add 1 teaspoon honey.
  • Leave it for 15 minutes by putting it on your face.
  • Now wash the face from cold water.
  • By applying curd on the face, the skin seems to be moisturizer.

2. Make a acne problem away
Skin Care: Curd this way to your beauty routine

The women who are acne on the skin, they have very trouble. Due to the acne, the skin slows. There are many times stains.

However, to reduce the problem of acne in the market, there are till the cream to the cream but every time they can be heavier for the pocket.

Anti-bacterial and anti-infilmator properties are found in curd, which reduces acne. Do you want to know the way to use curd on the face then follow the steps given below.

Essential material

  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon curd

What to do?

  • Mix 1 teaspoon turmeric powder in a spoon curd.
  • Then put it on your face and let it for a while.
  • After a while wash the mouth.
  • Using it 2-3 days in a week will reduce it.

3. Reduce dark circles
Skin Care: Curd this way to your beauty routine

The problem of dark circles is extremely common. Do not take enough sleep and become dark circles due to stress. You will get many beauty products for this, but domestic prescriptions are extremely effective to reduce this problem. You can also use curd.

Essential material

  • half cup curd

How to use?

  • Place fresh yogurt at the place of dark circles.
  • Keep curd to put 10 minutes under the eyes.
  • Then wash the eyes with cold water.
  • Dark circles will be reduced by the use of daily curd.

4. Keep the skin soft

Who does not like soft skin? Especially in the winter, it becomes more trouble. At this time the skin begins to dry. In such a case, you can use curd instead of cream. 

To keep the skin soft, the curd will be beneficial. Lactic acid is found in it, causing the skin soft.

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